Posted on: Monday, May 31, 2010
Posted at: 12:35 AM
There's so much I fucking want to rant about now, but my thoughs are so jumbled up that I don't know where to start and where to stop, so maybe I shouldn't just yet. No point ranting ephemeral troubles.

Positives so elusive.
Posted on: Friday, May 7, 2010
Posted at: 1:39 AM
Hahaha so today marks my first absent record in TP. ZZZ LOL. ):

Nevermind about that though LOL.

So, well, hey! Hey apple!

Made my way down to Jocelyn's house in the early afternoon. Obviously was the latest LOL :/

Fun times!

So we baked about 4 boxes of cupcake pre-mixes! Tasteh stuff! Chocolate could've been richer but that's a minor thing. So we added in our own bits of flavouring, from chocolate chips, to ribena syrup to peanut powder. HAHAHAHA. I dare you to try one ;)

...... okay fine not everything saw the light of day ):

But they're all tasteeey!

So after we were done baking, we had to wrap them too! They look AWESOME with the wrapping and the icing. Hehehe. We even have our very own annoying orange. HAHAHA. (inside joke ^^)

So after that, we packed up and made our off. I was starving like mad (it was my first meal of the day... at 1opm) so I figured that I'd grab a quick dinner before heading back to Bedok to meet my Awesomest (:

So yeah, summary of a summary of today. There you go :D

Heh and since we're still on this topic, I'd like to say a big thanks to Jocelyn for being such a gracious and hospitable host! :D

Oh oh oh!
***To all TP students! On Friday and Friday only (CCN DAY!), located right beside Cheers, will be 1B03's VERY OWN STALL! With food and drinx so good, rest assured that you'll end up wishing we actually had a stall in every of TP's canteens. Drop by and support us. See you there! :D***

Oh so disappointing.
Posted on: Saturday, May 1, 2010
Posted at: 3:24 AM
Okay so I promise to provide a more detailed blogpost to account for the last two weeks, and I obviously done so. No I have not forgotten, I'm just procrastinating (what's new?) HAHAHAHA.

At this current point in time though, I'll touch on another topic first - recent events :D

So the last 2 days has been insanely ridiculous, many thanks to Kevin, Nicholas and Terry (not forgetting everyone else :D) for their shitload of jokes and self-pwned moments.

"My class is fucked up, they cause me to suffer perpetual jaw aches" LOLOL.

I swear, I've been on the verge of dying these past few days thanks to repeated jaw aches, head banging (literally LOL), stomachaches, and the inability to keep composed. LOL.

Okay, so back to school life so far, I'd say it has been quite good! I have to admit that I love my class. I think 1B03 is damn zai and it's hard for me to ever wanna leave them. Tons of fun, tons of laughter and countless amounts of great times (:

As for the academic aspect of it, well... there definitely has been the subjects which I enjoy more, and those that I haven't been able to fully appreciate, for now at least. I'm sorry, but I don't see any logical rational behind making me have to understand the parts a computer is made up of.

I've also been forced to be quite independent I'd suppose. No more spoon-feeding unlike secondary school. It's not necessarily a bad thing, given the fact that that, in some ways, have equated to having more freedom. It can, however, be a pain in the ass at times :/ It's just troublesome to have to do a heck load of printing on your own (hey, it costs money too!)

All in all, the freedom's good but you've just gotta keep yourself in check. You're responsible for the results you achieve at the end of the academic year, so have fun, but be disciplined too.

I'm not really in the mood to elaborate right now, feeling quite annoyed, but that's a seperate issue so I'll not touch on that.

Moving on, Friday was fun times! Headed home after a great time in school before going to Kovan to meet Yilin for bowling. I actually had quite a good game (surprisingly!), considering the amount of rust that has built on me over the years, hehehe. Grabbed a quick dinner at Xin Wang before seeing Yilin home.

Yilin: Hehehe, scrubby mac.