With my new found freedom, I post.
Posted on: Thursday, November 19, 2009
Posted at: 1:10 AM
Woo, been reallyyyy busy/tired these past 3 days going for "TPrawks!!" .

Feels like my holidays have just begun man. I mean, I've been waking up @ 7 and sleeping at... 3 this past 3 days. Damn, just like a model student. HAHAHA.

Well, here's a rough summary! (With quite a bit missing, LOL. 'Cause I'm really tired!)

Day 1 : Started out ... somewhat bad. I overslept and hence missed the shutter bus there by 5 minutes (LOL). Ended up cabbing there and due to some, err, talking, eventually cabbed with Yilin, Wei Bin and friend. Reached TP only to realise I wasn't going to be in Yilin's group, but oh well... Camp didn't start all too well, not knowing anyone from R6. Got to know a few others though, and things were alright by noon. (Sorz, I r nt hypaa-outgoing). Ice breakers after that, as always, weren't really helpful. IIT was average, lunch was alright and modern dance was... not my thing. Dragon boating after that was pretty awesome though. Cabbed away to shower and head back out for dinner at night.

Day 2 : Managed to catch the shuttle bus this time round. Woo! Saved me $10. LOL. Spent most of the first half of the day checking out the HSS school, which was.. not too bad, but not my thing. Played random games (Like The Price is Right - HAHAHA) and owned with Annabel and Leonard (Y). Lunch was after that and the Rawkers' Challenge followed. It was DAMN HOT pl0x (but really fun - although it was only then that I realised I was the ONLY guy in R6 for that day -.- , although G6 only had one guy as well. LOLOL). It comprised of 15 stations which I'm too lazy to list out now (tee hee hee). Went back to the sports hall after that to learn the (AWESOME) mass dance. HAHAHA. I'm insanely addicted to it now (Y). Surprisingly, I was waaaaay less sweaty under the afternoon sun as compared to when I did the mass dance (what the heck?). Cabbed straight to my dinner this night though.

Day 3 : Caught awesome shuttlebuz again today :D. Visited the BUS school in the morning (which was somewhat disappointing). Came back and had lunch before heading to check the engineering school out (even worse, but I didn't really care LOL). Spent the rest of the day in the TCC for random talks and what not, before going for dinner. After dinner came the Jam&Hop thingy which again, wasn't really my type of thing. :/ Cabbed to my supper after that (again....)

Well, all in all, TPrawks was a good experience which gave me some new insights into the life of a poly student. Top that with awesome leaders, new friends, inside jokes and random stuff, and you get a really good experience (Y). Glad I didn't go ahead and be a pon-tato! :p

Okay, shall stopz here! I need to start hibernating. NAOOOO.

Random Happiness
Posted on: Friday, November 13, 2009
Posted at: 1:11 AM
My O Levels are officially over as of the 11th November.

I am happy.
I am very happy.
I am so ridiculously happy.

I've never felt so free.
I've never felt so liberal.
I've never felt so awesome.

I am going to do so many things. (which I shall not list here because my O's might be over, but I'm still as lazy as ever.)

One thing though, I am going to hibernate.