Posted on: Sunday, August 17, 2008
Posted at: 5:50 PM
Posted at: 5:50 PM
& for the fun of it,
here's a song for your listening pleasure
(p.s. tags replied in previous post!)
here's a song for your listening pleasure
(p.s. tags replied in previous post!)
We'll miss ya.
Posted on:
Posted at: 4:54 PM
Posted at: 4:54 PM
*Disclaimer - This post isn't exactly a very.. light hearted one*
I guess for most school students, fridays are usually the best days of the week, ain't they? For obvious reasons of course. Well, it's the same for me definitely. Most fridays, excluding last friday.
'twas Dexter's last day of school, sadly.
3 years just flew by and now he's leaving us to go to the sports school. I guess we all knew that that day would come sooner or later, but, oh well..
It just feels sad when you know your good buddy in school's gonna go away, and it's not the first time alr =/
Time really flies eh, it just doesn't feel like 3 whole years has passed by, but it has, apparently. Sigh.
We're reallyyyy gonna miss you and all your ridiculously retarded yet hilarious crap man!
But in any case, he's going to the sports school for further training in hopes of becoming one of the best shooters in Singapore in the future! Do us proud in the YOGs and maybe even the Olympics! We'll be watching :D
Just don't get too distracted there. LOL. *smirksmirk*
Dexxie's last day! (ignore my retared face =/)
Eddy : hahaha, i think you can forget about ever getting any more cash items ba. I don't even think they're gonna fix it =/ heh and yes, clan's t3h dedz0r w/o us. hahaha. In any case, sorry about not being to do anything on National Day!
Thongs : hahaha, i see i see. Heh, just try? You won't know!
Shuxiang : haha, really? I didn't choose, I just browsed through randomly and saw this as one of those 'people who liked this also like :' skins. haha :P
Shuting : haha, nah it's okay la :D I know you've got dementia, LOL. jkjk
I guess for most school students, fridays are usually the best days of the week, ain't they? For obvious reasons of course. Well, it's the same for me definitely. Most fridays, excluding last friday.
'twas Dexter's last day of school, sadly.
3 years just flew by and now he's leaving us to go to the sports school. I guess we all knew that that day would come sooner or later, but, oh well..
It just feels sad when you know your good buddy in school's gonna go away, and it's not the first time alr =/
Time really flies eh, it just doesn't feel like 3 whole years has passed by, but it has, apparently. Sigh.
We're reallyyyy gonna miss you and all your ridiculously retarded yet hilarious crap man!
But in any case, he's going to the sports school for further training in hopes of becoming one of the best shooters in Singapore in the future! Do us proud in the YOGs and maybe even the Olympics! We'll be watching :D
Just don't get too distracted there. LOL. *smirksmirk*

Eddy : hahaha, i think you can forget about ever getting any more cash items ba. I don't even think they're gonna fix it =/ heh and yes, clan's t3h dedz0r w/o us. hahaha. In any case, sorry about not being to do anything on National Day!
Thongs : hahaha, i see i see. Heh, just try? You won't know!
Shuxiang : haha, really? I didn't choose, I just browsed through randomly and saw this as one of those 'people who liked this also like :' skins. haha :P
Shuting : haha, nah it's okay la :D I know you've got dementia, LOL. jkjk